

This paper investigates the effects of light on non-visual functions, such as body temperature, hormonal secretions, sleep-wake cycle, alertness and cognitive performances, and how these responses change with age.


Aging: The paper discusses how the sensitivity of non-visual responses to light changes with age, and how this could influence cognitive performance and alertness in older individuals.
Cognitive function and memory: The paper explores how light exposure can affect cognitive performance and alertness, and how these effects may change with age.
Sleep and insomnia: The paper discusses the role of light in regulating the sleep-wake cycle, and how this function may be affected by aging.
Alertness and performance: The paper investigates how light exposure can enhance alertness and cognitive performance, and how these effects may change with age.
Hormone regulation: The paper discusses the role of light in regulating hormonal secretions, such as melatonin, and how this function may be affected by aging.
Lighting Design Considerations: The paper suggests that a better understanding of the effects of light on non-visual functions could lead to more effective lighting design, particularly for older individuals.


V Daneault
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