

This paper discusses the differences in the biological clock between diurnal and nocturnal mammals, focusing on the input pathways to the circadian clock and how these have evolved from nocturnality to diurnality.


Cognitive function and memory: The paper discusses the biological clock and its impact on cognitive function and memory, focusing on the differences between diurnal and nocturnal mammals.
Sleep and insomnia: The paper discusses the role of the biological clock in regulating sleep patterns, and how these differ between diurnal and nocturnal mammals.
Alertness and performance: The paper discusses how the biological clock regulates alertness and performance, with a focus on the differences between diurnal and nocturnal mammals.
Education and learning: The paper provides insights into the biological clock and its impact on cognitive function, which is relevant to education and learning.
Aging: The paper discusses the evolution of the biological clock, which is relevant to the study of aging.
Lighting Design Considerations: The paper discusses the impact of light on the biological clock, which is relevant to lighting design considerations.


RA Schoonderwoerd, JH Meijer

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