

This paper investigates the impact of human-centric lighting parameters on older adults' perception and cognitive performance, with a focus on spatial and spectral light patterns in assisted living facilities.


Dementia: The paper discusses the impact of lighting on cognitive performance, which is relevant to dementia as it is a cognitive disorder.
Sleep and insomnia: The paper mentions the role of lighting in sleep quality, which is directly related to insomnia.
Depression: The paper discusses the role of lighting in mood enhancement, which is relevant to depression.
Cognitive function and memory: The paper's main focus is on the impact of lighting on cognitive performance and perception in older adults.
Aging: The paper focuses on older adults and the challenges they face due to aging, including sleep dysfunctions, depression, and cognitive impairments.
Lighting Design Considerations: The paper investigates the impact of different lighting parameters, including spatial layout and spectral attributes, on older adults' perception and cognitive performance.
Well-being: The paper discusses the role of lighting in enhancing the well-being of older adults in assisted living facilities.


N Golshany
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