

This paper explores the effects of artificial bright light on human physiology, performance, and symptoms of jet-lag, finding that light exposure can alter circadian timing and potentially enhance human performance and alleviate jet-lag effects.


Sleep and insomnia: The paper investigates how artificial bright light can alter circadian rhythms and potentially alleviate the effects of jet-lag.
Alertness and performance: The paper explores how manipulations of the body clock via bright light can enhance human performance.
Shift work: The paper's findings on the effects of light on circadian rhythms could have implications for shift workers.
Jet lag: The paper specifically investigates the potential of bright light exposure to alleviate the effects of jet-lag.
Phototherapy: The paper explores the use of artificial bright light as a form of phototherapy to alter circadian timing and potentially enhance performance and alleviate jet-lag.
Lighting Design Considerations: The paper's findings on the effects of light on human physiology and performance could have implications for lighting design.


A Thompson
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