

This paper investigates how different light exposure-related behaviors, such as daytime exposure to electric light and nighttime usage of gadgets, influence sleep quality, mood, and cognition.


Sleep and insomnia: The paper discusses how different light exposure behaviors can influence sleep quality, with increased use of mobile phones before sleep predicting reduced sleep quality.
Alertness and performance: The paper explores how light exposure behaviors can affect cognitive function, with increased use of mobile phones before sleep predicting increased trouble in memory and concentration.
Cognitive function and memory: The paper examines how light exposure behaviors can influence cognitive function and memory, with increased use of mobile phones before sleep predicting increased trouble in memory and concentration.
Mood regulation: The paper investigates how different light exposure behaviors can influence mood, with increased time spent outdoors predicting a positive affect and increased use of mobile phones before sleep predicting a negative affect.
Lighting Design Considerations: The paper discusses how different light exposure behaviors, such as the use of tunable, LED, or dawn-simulating electric light in the morning and daytime, can influence sleep quality and cognition.
Well-being: The paper explores how different light exposure behaviors can influence overall well-being, with the results providing valuable insights into developing a healthy light diet to promote health and wellness.


MA Siraji, M Spitschan, V Kalavally, S Haque
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