

This paper discusses the effects of circadian lighting metrics on elderly occupants in a healthcare residence, with the aim of developing a standard technique to represent the effect of key design choices on the accomplishment of prescribed circadian framework boost for healthcare residences occupied by elderly people.


Dementia: The paper discusses how Alzheimer and Dementia disease are associated with some disturbance of circadian rhythm and how a deliberately planned light/dark pattern example has been shown to be a powerful non-pharmacological instrument to improve rest efficiency and integration.
Sleep and insomnia: The paper discusses how older people suffer from chronic sleeping problems and insomnia, and how a right presentation to light during daytime, increases the night-time emission of melatonin and thus positively impacts sleep.
Aging: The paper focuses on the effects of circadian lighting metrics on elderly occupants in a healthcare residence.
Lighting Design Considerations: The paper discusses the application of different circadian lighting metrics in a healthcare residence, with the aim of developing a standard technique to represent the effect of key design choices on the accomplishment of prescribed circadian framework boost for healthcare residences.


N Busatto, TD Mora, F Peron, P Romagnoni
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