

This paper investigates the role of environmental light exposure and circadian timing in seasonal affective disorder (SAD), focusing on the relationship between blue light exposure, circadian phase, and depressive symptoms.


Seasonal affective disorder: The paper investigates the role of environmental light exposure and circadian timing in seasonal affective disorder (SAD), focusing on the relationship between blue light exposure, circadian phase, and depressive symptoms.
Depression: The paper discusses depression in the context of SAD, examining how light exposure and circadian phase may contribute to depressive symptoms.
Cognitive function and memory: The paper discusses the role of circadian rhythms, which are crucial for cognitive function and memory, in the onset of SAD.
Mood regulation: The paper explores how light exposure and circadian timing can affect mood regulation, contributing to the onset of SAD.
Phototherapy: The paper discusses the potential of light therapy for the treatment of SAD, given the role of light exposure in the disorder.
Hormone regulation: The paper discusses the role of melatonin, a hormone regulated by light exposure and circadian rhythms, in the onset of SAD.


C DuPont
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