

This paper investigates the impact of Finnish seasons on the nighttime sleep of infants and small children, finding that the lightest time of year shortened the night sleep of infants but also induced some beneficial effects on sleep structure.


Sleep and insomnia: The paper investigates the impact of Finnish seasons on the nighttime sleep of infants and small children, finding that the lightest time of year shortened the night sleep of infants but also induced some beneficial effects on sleep structure.
Cognitive function and memory: The paper discusses the neurophysiology of sleep and its significance, including the role of sleep in cognitive function and memory.
Education and learning: The paper discusses the impact of sleep quality and quantity on the cognitive development and learning abilities of infants and small children.
Lighting Design Considerations: The paper discusses the impact of natural light exposure and daylight saving time on the sleep quality of infants and small children.
Well-being: The paper discusses the overall well-being of infants and small children in relation to their sleep quality and quantity.


A KĂ€rki
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