The paper presents a system to construct a five-primary display from commercially available three-primary digital light processing projectors, which can be used to investigate the visual functions of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) and their role in various visual and nonvisual functions.
Eye health: The paper discusses the development of a system for investigating the functions of ipRGCs, which are a type of photoreceptor in the eye, and their role in various visual and nonvisual functions.
Cognitive function and memory: The paper mentions that ipRGCs contribute to various functions such as color perception, contrast sensitivity, and temporal and spatial vision, which are related to cognitive function.
Sleep and insomnia: The paper mentions that ipRGCs contribute to the regulation of sleep and arousal.
Mood regulation: The paper mentions that ipRGCs contribute to mood regulation.
Lighting Design Considerations: The paper discusses the design and validation of a five-primary display system, which is relevant to lighting design considerations.
TW Nugent, AJ Zele
Publication Year
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