Understanding quantitative circadian regulations are crucial towards advancing chronotherapy



This paper discusses the importance of understanding circadian rhythms and their impact on physiology, and the potential for developing chronotherapeutics to restore de-synchronized circadian rhythms.


  • Cognitive function and memory: The paper discusses the role of circadian rhythms in cognitive function and memory, particularly in relation to the synchronization of the body's internal time with external environments.
  • Sleep and insomnia: The paper discusses the role of circadian rhythms in sleep regulation and the potential for chronotherapeutics to address sleep disorders such as insomnia.
  • Depression: The paper discusses the potential for targeting clock genes underlying mood disorders such as depression for therapeutic interventions.
  • Hormone regulation: The paper discusses the role of circadian rhythms in hormone regulation, particularly in relation to the synchronization of the body's internal time with external environments.
  • Phototherapy: The paper discusses the role of light in entraining and synchronizing biological clocks, which is relevant to the field of phototherapy.
  • Aging: The paper discusses the role of circadian rhythms in aging, particularly in relation to the synchronization of the body's internal time with external environments.


D Chowdhury, C Wang, AP Lu, HL Zhu
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