Evaluating temporal and spatial light exposure profiles for typical building occupants



This paper discusses the evaluation of temporal and spatial light exposure profiles for typical building occupants, focusing on the effects of light on human health and the performance of a building's users.


  • Lighting Design Considerations: The paper discusses the evaluation of daylight metrics and the spatial distribution of daylight in a building, considering the effects of light on human health.
  • Well-being: The paper discusses the impact of light exposure on the well-being of building occupants, considering factors such as alertness, sleep quality, and overall health.
  • Cognitive function and memory: The paper discusses the non-visual effects of light, which can impact cognitive function and memory, and proposes a method to evaluate these effects.
  • Alertness and performance: The paper discusses the impact of light exposure on alertness and performance, considering factors such as sky condition, time of year, and time of day.
  • Sleep and insomnia: The paper discusses the impact of light exposure on sleep quality, considering factors such as sky condition, time of year, and time of day.


M Danell, ML Ámundadóttir, S Rockcastle
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