Changing color and intensity of LED lighting across the day impacts on human circadian physiology, sleep, visual comfort and cognitive performance



The paper investigates the impact of dynamic LED lighting on cognitive performance, visual comfort, melatonin secretion, sleepiness and sleep, finding that dynamic light can influence melatonin levels, vigilance, and sleep latency.


  • Sleep and insomnia: The paper investigates the impact of dynamic LED lighting on sleep, finding that sleep latency was significantly shorter under dynamic light conditions.
  • Cognitive function and memory: The paper explores the impact of dynamic LED lighting on cognitive performance, finding no significant changes.
  • Alertness and performance: The paper examines the impact of dynamic LED lighting on alertness, finding that participants felt less vigilant under dynamic light in the evening compared to static light.
  • Hormone regulation: The paper investigates the impact of dynamic LED lighting on melatonin secretion, finding that evening melatonin levels were less suppressed under dynamic light conditions.
  • Lighting Design Considerations: The paper explores the use of dynamic LED lighting, which changes color and intensity across the day, and its impact on various factors including sleep, alertness, and hormone regulation.


O Stefani, M Freyburger, S Veitz, T Basishvili, M Meyer
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