Activity-dependent refinement of the developing visual system. A comparative study across retinal ganglion cell populations and target nuclei



This paper discusses the formation of the mammalian visual system, focusing on the role of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and their spontaneous activity in the refinement of axonal connections in the visual nuclei of the brain.


  • Eye health: The paper discusses the role of retinal ganglion cells in the formation of the visual system, which is crucial for eye health.
  • Cognitive function and memory: The paper discusses the role of the visual system in transmitting sensory information to the brain, which is crucial for cognitive function and memory.
  • Education and learning: The paper provides insights into the complex process of visual system formation, contributing to the field of neuroscience education.
  • Neuroscience: The paper is a detailed study on the formation of the mammalian visual system, focusing on the role of retinal ganglion cells and their spontaneous activity in the refinement of axonal connections in the visual nuclei of the brain.


S Negueruela Lázaro
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