Chronotype in the South African population: the influence of longitudinal location



This paper investigates the influence of longitudinal location on chronotype in the South African population, and whether this influence is independent of genetic factors.


  • Sleep and insomnia: The paper investigates chronotype, which is a person's natural inclination to sleep at a certain time, and how it is influenced by geographical location.
  • Cognitive function and memory: The paper discusses the role of the endogenous circadian clock, which is involved in cognitive functions and memory, in determining chronotype.
  • Shift work: The paper discusses the societal clock, which includes work schedules, and its potential to disrupt the synchronization between the biological and solar clocks, particularly relevant to shift workers.
  • Phototherapy: The paper discusses the role of light as a stimulus that entrains the biological clock to the solar clock, which is a principle used in phototherapy.
  • Hormone regulation: The paper discusses the role of the endogenous circadian clock, which is involved in hormone regulation, in determining chronotype.
  • Lighting Design Considerations: The paper discusses the impact of exposure to light, including artificial indoor lighting, on the synchronization of the biological clock to the solar clock.


N Shawa
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