Innerscene Virtual Sun installation case study at Monterey Comprehensive Cancer Center in Monterey California illuminating a hospital cover photo

Case Studies

Monterey Cancer Center

Cancer Center - Monterey, CA

The Monterey Comprehensive Cancer Center has embraced the transformative power of light in patient care by integrating Innerscene's Virtual Sun units along its hallways. This strategic deployment brings a soft, nurturing glow to spaces that are often the backdrop for challenging journeys, offering comfort and hope to patients and staff alike. The lighting mimics the natural spectrum of sunlight, enveloping the center in a blanket of light that promotes well-being and aids in the healing process.
Innerscene's technology goes beyond traditional lighting, employing biophilic design principles that recognize the intrinsic human need to connect with nature. The daylighting effect achieved through these installations provides not just illumination but a sense of indoor sunshine that can enhance mood and potentially improve health outcomes. The full-spectrum light ensures an immersive experience that supports the circadian rhythm, contributing to better rest and comfort during the day.
The choice of Virtual Sun units for a healthcare environment underscores the importance of versatile installation and energy efficiency, ensuring that the center can maintain a comforting atmosphere without compromising on sustainability. This project highlights the role of advanced indoor lighting in creating spaces that are not only functional but also deeply attuned to the emotional and psychological needs of those navigating the cancer treatment process. By bringing the essence of outdoor light indoors, the Monterey Comprehensive Cancer Center sets a new standard in patient-centered care, demonstrating how technology and design can come together to foster an environment of healing and hope.

Tags: Institutional

Product :

Virtual Sun

Project Type :


Location :

Monterey, CA


Innerscene Virtual Sun installation case study at Monterey Comprehensive Cancer Center in Monterey California illuminating a hospital

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