Beyond the Surface: Adding Daylight and Depth with Virtual Skylights and Windows

Beyond the Surface: Adding Daylight and Depth with Virtual Skylights and Windows course title slide
Innerscene Beyond the Surface: Adding Daylight and Depth with Virtual Skylights and Windows course overview

Course Highlights

  • Learn how virtual skylights and windows can transform windowless spaces using cutting-edge technology
  • Understand the science behind melanopic light and its crucial impact on human health, productivity, and wellbeing
  • Discover how to evaluate and specify virtual daylight solutions that truly mimic natural light
  • Explore the latest research on circadian lighting and its application in modern architecture
  • See real-world examples of how virtual daylighting creates the illusion of depth and connection to the outdoors
  • Learn how to meet WELL v2 standards for healthy lighting in windowless spaces


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